Shark Detection and Alarm System


Shark Detection and Alarm System

Shark Detection and Alarm System: it is extremely effective and efficient to set up a sonar array to detect incoming sharks. As opposed to gill nets, baited lines and related hardware. That directly interferes with both shark, mammal and fish populations in the immediate area. The bycatch statistics are simply horrifying.

Sonar for Shark Detection

Literally ANY echo sounder on the market, can detect a shark. The fact that boat-mounted transducers are always looking down, however, limits the operating range. Send a beam out horizontally though, and you can cover bodies of water sector-by-sector. Using the surface and the bottom of the ocean, to set your range to. ANything that swims through the array, will be highlighted.

Sharks appear different to fish on a sonar screen. They have a more flat (and long) representation. As opposed to the arch of a fish. This is to do with the densities of the bone and cartilage inside the different fish forms and species.

One thing is for sure, a big shark shows up as a big shark – on the system.


The non-lethal nature of the Proboscis system, allows a complete lack of effect on the environment. When the sun is not shining, the systems are off. Unlike the lethal shark nets as used by the KZN Sharks Board.

When the weather is bad and the ocean unsafe, the systems are turned off.


Places like the Grannies Pools up and down the coast, are very simple to protect. In many of these places, simple exclusion nets would more than do the job of keeping humans and sharks separate. Most times a hybrid solution featuring both exclusion nets and sonar arrays would be ideal.

Some spots have points that jut right out into the ocean. These are really good for long-range monitoring. Plettenberg Bay is one of these spots with its many rocky points. That can sweep the waters in between them to get a really almost 3D picture of what is going on.

Durban has those beautiful piers already set up. These would make the installation really easy to operate and maintain. Once again, scanning between the piers would really pain an accurate and reliable picture of what is going on.


In some cases, the apparatus would best be deployed floating out the back. With a 360-degree range sonar array. It can be anchored, or be moved around remotely on its own.

The arrays could also be adapted to fit on a watercraft such as a kayak, jet-ski or boat.


This is a very simple operation. With the easiest of interfaces. Anyone can be an operator of this equipment. The most obvious candidates are the existing lifeguards at most tourist beaches.

Everything is solar-powered with a 12V self-charging system.

Contact Sean on +27793269671 or



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