Thumbnail: the web is now a vast ocean of memes and thumbnails. Images that convey information fluently and trigger the impulse to click.
Thumbnail production is a science, more than an art form. There are very many considerations to be taken into account when going this hard for a click.
“Need to know…is a great motivator. Like “what happened next”. These sentences may have zero to do with your business. But the reality is that if you want clicks, you need to jump out and take ahold of your potential user’s attention. In an instant. For that is all you have. Milliseconds as the infinite scroll sucks the attention from the person like the vampire that it is.
We have been making thumbnails with vengeance. For our YouTube channels. And for all of our websites now. The featured image in all of our posts is now a delightful, if not slightly brash, thumbnail. That conveys the message thought-fast. The results are remarkable. Engagement increases wonderfully since the viewer now knows more of what to expect. They don’t need to click on and then click off because the title was vague. This hurts your retention percentage.
As you can deduce, there are very many influences to consider when thumping out thumbnails. It would be silly for me to divulge what I have learned over the years. So instead, we are offering this thumbnail service.
If you take our current offer, of a 2022 Website Revamp and Conversion to Phone App, we will do all your thumbnails for free. The ones you don’t like can be redone here, at the special rate on offer.
Please see the following examples of our thumbnails in action:
The Sardine News – our flagship website demonstrating that we practise what we preach
The Port Captain – a thumbnail driven menu
Spillers House – thumbnails show the rooms with views and information
Buzz me Sean on or +27793269671 anytime to chat.
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